Visions of Us in the Walls. Oil on canvas, 122x152cm, 2025.
A Mirror for Recluses. Oil on canvas, 60x80cm, 2025.
This Creature, with Lapis Lazuli Teeth. Oil on canvas, 122cmx152cm, 2024.
Protective Spell II. Oil on canvas, 127cmx100cm, 2024.
Protective Spell. Oil on canvas, 127cmx100cm, 2024.
Led by a Comet. Oil on canvas, 91x127cm, 2024.
Concealed, Revealed, The Hunter Could Not Find Her. Oil on canvas, 91x127cm, 2024.
The Sensation and Ordeal. Oil on canvas, 91x127cm, 2024.
Feather Collector. Oil on canvas, 80x100cm, 2024.
Held With Blazing Claws. Oil on canvas, 51x46cm, 2024.
What You Could Not Burn, You Could Not Bury. Oil on canvas, 50x80cm, 2024.
The Sisters Shed Their Skin and Became, Became, Became. Oil on canvas, 66x183cm each, 2024.
With the Passion of a Woman Lost in her Thoughts. Oil on canvas, 45x50cm, 2024.
I'll Reveal Myself in the Folds. Oil on canvas, 76x62cm, 2024.
All Ears and Hind Legs. Oil on canvas, 55x65cm, 2024.
Pointed Toes, Deep Arrows. Oil on canvas, 40x35cm, 2024.
The Hare Decides. Oil on canvas, 60x70cm, 2024.
The Vertigo With Which He Seizes Me. Oil on canvas, 10x12'', 2023.
To Fall Like a Bird Falls Through the Air. Oil on canvas, 10x12'', 2023.
Playing with Feathers and Fire. Oil on canvas, 55x65cm, 2024.
Keep the Bleeding Key. Oil on canvas, 30x40cm, 2023.
Fingers Slipping Through Cave Walls. Oil on canvas, 30x30cm, 2023.
Always Already Swept Up (The Lighthouse). Oil on canvas, 29x21cm, 2023.
Always Already Swept Up. Oil on canvas, 30x30cm, 2023.
Dancing on Jagged Lines. Oil on canvas, 60x80cm, 2023. In a private collection.
Stone Thoughts Carved Into Water. Oil on canvas, 100x100cm, 2023.
Burning Edge of a Feeling. Oil on canvas, 59x84cm, 2023.
Bouncing Off Cave Walls. Oil on canvas, 59x84cm, 2023.
Pulled By Tidal Waves, I Want You to Wear Me In/Out. Oil on canvas, 70x70cm, vintage blouse, 2023.
Longing and Loss Feel the Same in the Body. Oil on canvas, 70x70cm, Oil on canvas 30x40cm, charcoal on paper 30x40cm, wooden door, 2023.
Feeding on a Reflection/Longing and Loss Feel the Same in the Body. Oil on canvas, 70x70cm, Oil on canvas 30x40cm, charcoal on paper 30x40cm, wooden door, 2023.
Feeding On A Reflection. Oil on canvas, 70x70cm, 2023.
Unrelenting Tenderness. Oil on canvas, 70x70cm, 2023.
Somewhere Between the Dog and the Wolf. Oil on canvas, 60x80cm, 2023.
Black Shuck Licking Her Wounds. Oil on canvas, 30x40cm, Charcoal on paper, 30x40cm, 2023.
We Rode on the Backs of Cats Until Dawn. Oil on canvas, 59x84cm, 2022.